True Brorange
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Post by wittyscorpion on Aug 15, 2014 12:17:02 GMT -5
Official launch trailer:
PS exclusive content trailer:
Post by -3055- on Aug 15, 2014 12:21:46 GMT -5
Looks awesome as always. Do we know if "earth" is just old russia or if there are multiple different locations?
True Brorange
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Post by wittyscorpion on Aug 15, 2014 12:30:18 GMT -5
Looks awesome as always. Do we know if "earth" is just old russia or if there are multiple different locations? I have seen conflicting stories about that. 1) In the past, concept arts were shown about the various locations on earth. Besides Old Russia, there are also the following: Old Chicago Mumbai Push 2) However, looks like Bungie confirmed that there is only one playable area per planet: www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-07-28-bungie-reassures-fans-disappointed-that-destiny-only-has-one-playable-area-per-planetMy guess? Old Russia only for Destiny 1, while the others to be added in expansion packs or sequels.
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wordy bastard PSN:mannonc Steam:mannonc XB:BADmannon
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Post by mannon on Aug 15, 2014 12:39:15 GMT -5
I guess that makes sense given they want to have as much variety as possible right now, but I really hope we get more locations on Earth in the future.
True Brorange
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Post by wittyscorpion on Aug 15, 2014 12:48:19 GMT -5
True Brorange
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Post by wittyscorpion on Aug 15, 2014 12:52:32 GMT -5
Regarding expansion packs, as I mentioned earlier it is my belief that the 2 announced are just the beginning. As Eric Osborne said in that interview: Until the game actually launched and is as successful as they expect, they are going to be cautious and not to get too ahead of themselves because "The market will dictate, the community will dictate some of our decision making". From my optimistic point of view as an enthusiastic fans however, the game will be successful enough to warrant a Destiny 2. In that case, I believe (pure speculations here) that they have plans to have at least 4 expansion packs to fill the 2 year gap between the 2 major releases, more if the gap is bigger. As a result, the concern of only having 4 playable areas at launch is not a big deal any more, at least not until we exhausted the main game and pack 1, which should be enough to keep us playing through Q1 2015. If we don't get additional content after that (say pack 2 won't be released until end of Q2 / beginning of Q3), Iron Banner is an interesting arena for "end game" fun: just bring your insanely high level gears in there and try to dominate
Post by -3055- on Aug 15, 2014 21:26:12 GMT -5
I guess that makes sense given they want to have as much variety as possible right now, but I really hope we get more locations on Earth in the future. Yeah but earth is so diverse. They can have a really vertical map based in like new york or tokyo, or an icy map, or a forest-y map. Venus, Mars, and the moon all look the same throughout their planet.
Post by GodMars on Aug 15, 2014 21:44:45 GMT -5
I guess that makes sense given they want to have as much variety as possible right now, but I really hope we get more locations on Earth in the future. Yeah but earth is so diverse. They can have a really vertical map based in like new york or tokyo, or an icy map, or a forest-y map. Venus, Mars, and the moon all look the same throughout their planet. From what I understand, those planets have been subject to terraforming.
True Brorange
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Post by wittyscorpion on Aug 16, 2014 14:39:17 GMT -5
On a related topic, gameinformer had an interview with Destiny Devs regarding beta: origin-www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2014/08/16/-destiny-devs-explain-fireteam-size-old-russian-real-estate-and-the-unbeatable-ogres-from-the-beta.aspxThe wording bungie devs used make it sound like that there are still areas of Cosmodrome that players did not get to play with during beta. This bears the question: how much area of Cosmodrome was not explorable during beta due to gating with unbeatable enemies? I was under the impression that we were able to exhaust the entire playable area: 1) The cave guarded by the unbeatable orge near the broken helicopter: isn't that just a small cave with a dead end? 2) The so called "grotto" area that includes a cave full of unbeatable hive enemies leading to an open area near shore with a few unbeatable bosses. I thought we were able to explore the area from both ends, go through the entirety, and reach the other end. One thing for sure: even if we have seen all the areas in Cosmodrome, there are still a lot of things to do once we reach higher level. In other words, what you can do in a playable area is level driven: This is exciting to know. PvE players were worried that: if one area can be easily exhausted over a weekend (like in beta), and there are only 4 areas, they are going to "beat" this game quickly and don't have much to do afterwards.
True Bro
wordy bastard PSN:mannonc Steam:mannonc XB:BADmannon
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Post by mannon on Aug 16, 2014 17:52:27 GMT -5
We were able to get to all of those areas, but there were a few doors inside buildings that looked suspiciously like they might be open under the right circumstances similar to the way certain doorways are closed off during various missions and the end of the Devil's Lair is closed off after the tank if you go in via exploration instead of the strike.
I for one really hope they expand on the exploration aspect of the game as time goes on. I think it will be one of the most played modes, and it has a lot more potential. As it is picking up the missions from the beacons just feels random. Once you done all the varieties they have to offer it feels samey. There's not really even any difference in one beacon vs another. I would prefer if which specific beacon you activate actually meant something. Personally I think it would be a nice goal to activate and complete every beacon, but the beta system made that pointless. Any beacon was as good as any other, so it meant nothing.
I also think it would be damned cool if you could sometimes activate missions that played more like the story missions, only you started them from exploration rather than from orbit. Or for that matter, why do we have to select missions from orbit? Why not just have the game plunk us down on the surface and you activate all the missions from there, on the ground? That would be so much more immersive. Oh well... Not gonna look the gift horse in the mouth... Though I really do hope they revamp the whole orbit thing.
True Bro
wordy bastard PSN:mannonc Steam:mannonc XB:BADmannon
Posts: 15,371
Post by mannon on Aug 16, 2014 18:10:48 GMT -5
I have no doubt that a dedicated player probably can see all of the in game terrain within say two weeks of hard play, but the majority of people will probably take longer. Though that may be due mostly to the raids, and we really don't know about that either. If the raids are as hard as advertised it may be even longer before the first group of players manages to beat one. I am assuming that at least part of the raid(s), (I'm hoping we have at least two at launch) will be in terrain unavailable to other missions.
BTW Yes I can confirm the knight/ogre cave is just a small cave. Usually a knight with a melee weapon would spawn and he was 99% too derp to kill you if you were riding your shrike so you could just push him off and go inside for the dead ghost and loot chest. Good times. The ogre would murder you mercilessly regardless, but was still fun to dick around with and zerg rush. KDR be damned.
The "grotto" was connected via caves to the shore area with level 20 mobs and to the area in Devil's Lair just before the lasers in the strike. There was also a pitch black cave near the shore entrance. I don't know where it led as it was full of unbeatable thrall and my NOPE! reflex kicked in hard. Not looking forward to that one... (he says, only half lying) heh
There was also an underground area at the coast at the transmission tower. I think some sort of subway or something. I was told it led out somewhere else as well, but never went all the way through. Lots of unkillable knights in there and the shrike trick doesn't work on them all.
Exploring the places we weren't supposed to go was actually great fun. Enough so I think it would actually be pretty great if there were places with enemies no one can kill, where you just have to explore via agility, stealth, luck, and guile. There were so many great moments running away from things and screaming like a little girl. heh Quite the rush to just barely escape from unbeatable monsters, or to finally manage to get past them to explore the grotto. Anyway... Now I'm just reliving the beta. I better go distract myself before I start jonesing for Destiny even worse.
True Brorange
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Post by wittyscorpion on Aug 16, 2014 20:56:46 GMT -5
I just realized one thing: if there are 4 planets/moons with one playable area each, wouldn't it be logical to conclude that each should feature a Raid? It would be really odd if some have one and some don't... On the similar token, there are 4 races of enemies: Fallen (earth), Hive (based at moon, also come to earth), Cabal (based at Mars), and Vex (based at Venus). Wouldn't it be logical to have one Raid per enemy race? I am suddenly very hopeful that there will be at least 4 Raids
True Brorange
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Posts: 8,598
Post by wittyscorpion on Aug 18, 2014 17:11:06 GMT -5
Venus game play trailer:
Title changed, OP updated.
True Brorange
All warfare is based on deception.
Posts: 8,598
Post by wittyscorpion on Aug 21, 2014 12:25:35 GMT -5
Official launch trailer:
Regarding supers, this trailer offers the first glimpse of Ward of Dawn, at 1:34 mark.
Title changed, OP updated.
True Brorange
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Posts: 8,598
Post by wittyscorpion on Aug 21, 2014 12:38:13 GMT -5
An in-depth interview with Bungie, long read, good to fill in the gaps between now and launch : www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-08-21-bungie-on-the-destiny-level-cap-raids-and-game-sizeMy biggest concern is still the size of the game, Bungie addressed that concern below: It seems to me that they are not denying that we have seen most if not all the "static" size of Earth in beta. Their point is that the ways we play and experience that world dynamically are huge and we have only seen the tip of the iceberg. For example, it's great to see that they have plans to enrich exploration mode after digging through stats collected from beta:
True Brorange
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Posts: 8,598
Post by wittyscorpion on Aug 21, 2014 12:54:48 GMT -5
Regarding Raids and size of 6: Looks like you can try with less than 6, but unless you have 6 players, you are going to fail on your face. that smells like a challenge. In that case, challenge accepted . Since we have very limited number of Raids, we have to figure out creative ways to play them over and over again. Different classes, different subclasses, different roles, and less players
True Bro
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Post by hebbnh on Aug 22, 2014 7:33:51 GMT -5
As much as they've talked up the difficulty of raids, they better hope some group doesn't somehow manage to beat one on launch week or something ridiculous. Bungie's gonna look pretty stupid if that happens.
True Bro
wordy bastard PSN:mannonc Steam:mannonc XB:BADmannon
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Post by mannon on Aug 22, 2014 8:36:29 GMT -5
I doubt it's possible considering you'll have the highest level enemies in raids and you can realistically only kill enemies a few levels higher than yourself. It will take a little time for people to get to level 20 and get the gear they need to get up to level 25 or so at least. And for all we know that gear may only drop in the raids themselves.
True Brorange
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Post by wittyscorpion on Aug 22, 2014 23:32:15 GMT -5
Ice Bucket challenge has hit Destiny's Ghost, from moon:
True Brorange
All warfare is based on deception.
Posts: 8,598
Post by wittyscorpion on Aug 27, 2014 12:30:35 GMT -5
True Brorange
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Post by wittyscorpion on Aug 27, 2014 17:31:30 GMT -5
This one is must watch, what to expect after launch from IGN: www.ign.com/videos/2014/08/27/destiny-what-to-expect-after-launch1) They intend to expand the world incrementally, "will built upon the universe rather than restart the universe"; 2) This video explained all Crucible game mode in detail; 3) Regarding Raid: must have 6 to succeed. He said "you may only do one phase over one evening" (4:20 mark), this seems to imply that the Raid can be played through multiple interruptible phases;
Post by GodMars on Aug 28, 2014 7:08:07 GMT -5
I'd link it but I'm lazy this morning: beards were one of the most requested items out if beta. Doesn't sound like they'll be available for character customization at launch, but they're coming.
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Pony Stark
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Post by tooros on Aug 28, 2014 7:35:57 GMT -5
I'd link it but I'm lazy this morning: beards were one of the most requested items out if beta. Doesn't sound like they'll be available for character customization at launch, but they're coming. Yaarr Dude....
True Brorange
All warfare is based on deception.
Posts: 8,598
Post by wittyscorpion on Aug 31, 2014 14:07:53 GMT -5
Destiny panel at Pax, is currently being streamed live:
True Brorange
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Posts: 8,598
Post by wittyscorpion on Aug 31, 2014 14:36:19 GMT -5
Well, 30 minutes into the broadcast, the streaming got screwed up before it got to the good part of post-launch support plans.
EDIT: actually it's PAX that screwed up and the room went dark. The stream is resumed with just voice.
Not a lot of info are revealed, something noteworthy:
1) Sounds like Auto Rifle is being nerfed for PvP;
2) They have built something they thought the gamers would like to play, but they expect that they screwed up many things and anxious to see how people actually play it. They have an infrastructure in place to 1) see how the games are played, and 2) fix things over time to improve game play (example: give players the freedom to choose when to show their faces or wear helmets at tower).
True Brorange
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Posts: 8,598
Post by wittyscorpion on Sept 2, 2014 12:26:16 GMT -5
Destiny launched www.destinyplanetview.com , for players to explore the Destiny universe to pass the time until the game is launched. Official trailer of destinyplanetview:
True Brorange
All warfare is based on deception.
Posts: 8,598
Post by wittyscorpion on Sept 3, 2014 12:41:12 GMT -5
PS4 timed exclusive Crucible map "Exodus Blue" walk through:
True Brorange
All warfare is based on deception.
Posts: 8,598
Post by wittyscorpion on Sept 4, 2014 13:12:45 GMT -5
Live action trailer: it's always cool to see a game demonstrated in live action setup
PS4 exclusive Strike "Dest Palace" walk through: also provides details on the enemy line up of Cabal
True Bro
Cacodemon expert
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Post by hebbnh on Sept 4, 2014 13:40:17 GMT -5
That live action trailer is pretty sweet.
True Brorange
All warfare is based on deception.
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Post by wittyscorpion on Sept 4, 2014 15:23:44 GMT -5
That live action trailer is pretty sweet. It is probably designed to attract interest from a broader audience, and will be shown during today's first game of the NFL season. That can't be cheap, ATVI's marketing push behind the $500 million investment is going full out.