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wordy bastard PSN:mannonc Steam:mannonc XB:BADmannon
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Post by mannon on Nov 25, 2014 12:30:20 GMT -5
Okay so there was much glimmer farming to pay off Lord Salidin's exorbitant prices and since I enjoyed IB so much and intend to get rank 5 next time it made me think I should prepare ahead of time, if possible.
Considering the glimmer cap I'm thinking it could be handy to horde some items that you can trade fro glimmer when the time comes. Not items I would purchase, because you lose your ass on that. But more like spinmetal, and those things the Cryptarch likes.
I've seen lots of ideas on glimmer farming, any thoughts on some things that could be horded or does that about cover it? I'm certainly not going to bother with weapons or armor. They take too much inventory space. I also figure it's good to save back some of the glimmer bonus items so I can go a farming when the time comes.
I suppose it might also work to save up things at the Postmaster, but those also give XP so I probably will prefer to level up items with them rather than save them for IB. *shrug*
Post by iw5000 on Nov 25, 2014 13:02:39 GMT -5
imho, I would advise against trading in things like spinmetal for glimmer. The most valuable commodity in Destiny is 'time', and the materials (spirit, iron, metal, helium) are more time intensive things to get in the game.
For example. Filling up one of the meters on one of your Legendary/Exotic armor pieces. Typically it takes around 750 glimmer, 7 shards and usually around 16 materials to complete a circle.
750 glimmer ~ 5 min 16 material Pieces - 10 to 15 minutes. 07 Ascendent Shards - a ton of time.
I wouldn't worry about hoarding glimmer. It's probably the cheapest things to get in the game, cheapest using 'time' as a measurement or common unit.
True Bro
wordy bastard PSN:mannonc Steam:mannonc XB:BADmannon
Posts: 15,371
Post by mannon on Nov 25, 2014 13:09:34 GMT -5
As for resources I'm only considering spinmetal, which I'm currently hording anyway. I spend a disproportionate amount of time in the Cosmodrome, even when I'm not farming marks and rep. I think I have over 200 and growing. I'll keep it until I need it, but if I still don't need it for anything when the next IB rolls around and I need the glimmer, I don't think I'll bat an eye trading in a good hunk of it. (I'll keep at least 50 to 100.) The other resources I won't touch.
I'm just thinking ahead because my time will be limited, as always. And if they do the buff they way they did this time that means I'll be grinding out most of my IB rep towards the end of the event, which leaves little time for glitter farming, and if I want to purchase multiple items I will need more than the glitter cap in glitter. So some hording could go a long way, even if it only saves me an hour or so.
True Bro
wordy bastard PSN:mannonc Steam:mannonc XB:BADmannon
Posts: 15,371
Post by mannon on Nov 25, 2014 13:11:39 GMT -5
I may be getting overly ambitious, but I really enjoyed IB and I'd really like to do this srs business style next time and not only get rank 5 bur actually purchase every IB item he sells. heh heh heh
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Posts: 2,688
Post by hebbnh on Nov 25, 2014 14:07:54 GMT -5
Personally I think trading any materials in for glimmer is a complete waste of time and materials unless you have a ton more materials than you can ever conceive of using. And by ever conceive, I mean a LOT of materials, like 500 at least. I had what I thought was a ton of spinmetal last week, probably 200 or so, then needed to upgrade a bunch of weapons and armor all at once. I now have 7 spinmetal remaining as I spent all week in the Iron Banner. Now I get to spend my limited time this week farming for more to finish upgrading old stuff, plus upgrading my new IB gear. I think you only get like 250 glimmer from turning in 50 materials anyway -- that's nothing. Play the first Mars mission, Exclusion Zone, on level 18 or above and you'll make 250 glimmer in 2 or 3 minutes, and 500 if you use a glimmer consumable thing. Just kill the Cabal that drop in off the 2 ships, then blow yourself up immediately after killing the last one or, alternatively, just let the last enemy left kill you. That way you don't get the checkpoint and can do that part over again quickly without having to go back to orbit and start over. Rinse, repeat, and enjoy your easy 10K glimmer an hour.
On top of that, the enemies will also drop items that can be turned in for 200 glimmer apiece at the Cryptarch. My strategy from now on is to save those up in the vault until I need them instead of turning them in immediately. That way I can spend whatever glimmer I have on hand at the event vendor, then simply turn a bunch of those items in all at once to max out my glimmer again immediately instead of having to go farm for an hour or two. That might sound like overkill, but I spent 63,150 glimmer on Iron Banner stuff this week. I could have saved myself several hours of farming if I had those 200 a pop items ready and waiting for me.
True Brorange
All warfare is based on deception.
Posts: 8,598
Post by wittyscorpion on Nov 25, 2014 14:19:10 GMT -5
3 quick comments: 1) I agree with iw5000, don't trade planet materials in for glimmer, unless you are doing the farming so much to the point that you don't have enough space in vault to hold them; 2) As hebbnh mentioned: store those consumable goods that are worth 200 glimmers in your vault for a rainy day (like IB) instead of cashing in them right away at Cryptarch; 3) The VoG gatekeeper checkpoint (preferably on normal) is great for glimmer farming. I maxed out my glimmer (starting point: 4000 or so) in under 2 hours, plus a ton of axiomatic beards (each can be exchanged for 200 glimmers), on hard. Had it been a checkpoint from normal, I should be able to progress even faster.
True Bro
wordy bastard PSN:mannonc Steam:mannonc XB:BADmannon
Posts: 15,371
Post by mannon on Nov 25, 2014 14:34:21 GMT -5
Selling resources will be a last resort, but if it comes down to the last day of the event that I can play and it's either sell or farm I'm selling.
Having said that, I'm totally gonna horde my Cryptarch items so hopefully I won't have to farm. In fact I may farm some in the meantime just to get a head start on them and replenish my depleted glimmer reserves.
VoG sounds good for it. I'll have to look into that, but still haven't done VoG yet.
Post by iw5000 on Nov 25, 2014 14:40:50 GMT -5
Again though, you can gather up 5,000 glimmer in just like a half an hour on some spots. If you are doing a serious Destiny session for an afternoon or longer, there's always time to squeeze in the above glimmer gathering.
True Brorange
All warfare is based on deception.
Posts: 8,598
Post by wittyscorpion on Nov 25, 2014 14:53:20 GMT -5
Regarding the regular glimmer gathering: what I have been doing is to burn those glimmer boost consumables whenever I am doing any PvE. They make each kill count, and just as importantly, give me visual confirmations of each minion death.
True Bro
wordy bastard PSN:mannonc Steam:mannonc XB:BADmannon
Posts: 15,371
Post by mannon on Nov 25, 2014 14:57:19 GMT -5
That depends on how down to the wire I am on getting Rank 5 towards the end of the next IB.
Let's say I don't make rank 5 until the last day, which given the buff structure and my limited playtime is not only likely, it's probable. As doing it before the last day will literally require more time than putting it off. Not saying I won't start before the last day, but I'll likely play over a stretch of 3 or maybe 4 days and try to hit it hardest on the last couple. So it's the last day and I hit rank 5. Boom! time to spend some money!
Even assuming I've made my cash back from any shaders or other such items (if they repeat what they did this time) I may have bought to buff my rep gains I'm looking at a cap of 25,000 glimmer. Let's be conservative and say I want to buy 60,000 glimmer worth of stuff. Clearly I'm 35,000 glimmer short. Even at 5k per half an hour that's 3.5 hours worth of farming I have to do.
Keep in mind we're talking about 3.5 hours worth of farming that I have to do on the last day of IB after I've already put in 3 to 5 hours worth of IB grinding...
This is why I want to horde. Not because farming glimmer is some great burden, but because I'm ambitious in how much stuff I want to purchase next IB once I hit rank 5, and I will be trying to maximize my IB playtime efficiency by playing towards the end of the event, because my play time is limited. There is literally no other option for me other than simply not buying everything. Granted I don't NEED everything... But if I get to rank 5 I want goddamn everything he has to sell. heh You have no idea how hard it was for me to not grind another 7K out so I could get the other pair of boots last night! I feel like I friggin earned them, but got robbed of them because my time investment to reach rank 3 was far greater than the investment to get the glimmer to purchase them... but it was just too late and I had work. For IB 3 I want it all! And I don't want glimmer to be the sticking point.
I won't have time that week for farming, I will be too busy fighting in the IB. Now if Lord Saladin would be a nice guy and hang around for another week to give out the rewards I could farm afterwords, but no dice.
True Brorange
All warfare is based on deception.
Posts: 8,598
Post by wittyscorpion on Nov 25, 2014 16:59:04 GMT -5
I can see your problem if you want to reach rank 5 and buy everything IB has to offer on the last day. Glimmer is going to be a big problem for you.
Hopefully, IB will be offered on a regular basis (monthly is reasonable). In that case, you can do the following:
1) On first IB, grind to rank 5, and use your glimmer to buy stuff in descending order of IB ranks. i.e.: buy everything that require rank 5, then 4, 3, etc. 25K glimmer can get you the rank 5 shader, the scout rifle, and a few more things.
2) On second IB, only grind to the highest rank with stuff that you have yet to buy. Hopefully this time you only need to reach rank 3.
This way: you probably don't need to farm glimmer at all. Even if you do, it will be stress free.
Also, note that although you don't want to buy the buff until the last day, you should still play a few IB games every day if you have some time, to get the easy bounties done. Accumulate them until the last day and cash in with the big buff.
True Bro
wordy bastard PSN:mannonc Steam:mannonc XB:BADmannon
Posts: 15,371
Post by mannon on Nov 25, 2014 17:16:41 GMT -5
gosh darn golly gee whiz good idea on the bounties since I pretty much never finished the hard ones anyway, I can just stock up on the easy ones.
Also buying in descending order is a good idea. It might not be perfect, though, because the next IB will probably have a few different items especially post-expansion in the level 32 cap world. But it could certainly help. Because of the possibility of different items I would like to horde enough glimmer to buy it all in one go. Plus it would just make me feel good. heh But I won't have to feel too bad if I don't make it if I follow your suggestions.
Thanks man, you always have good advice.
True Bro
wordy bastard PSN:mannonc Steam:mannonc XB:BADmannon
Posts: 15,371
Post by mannon on Nov 25, 2014 17:17:53 GMT -5
PS. Why is the "like" button a thumbs down instead of up? It looks like a "dislike" button. Is it a Roman gladiator historical reference?
True Bro
Posts: 3,776
Post by wings on Nov 26, 2014 10:03:02 GMT -5
Save the stuff that the Cryptarch gives 400 glimmer for into your vault. These are House Banners, Silken Codex, Axiomatic Beads and Network Keys.
Try staying topped up for Gilmmer and only buy, say, one heavy ammo synthesis pack when you hit the cap.
True Bro
Cacodemon expert
Posts: 2,688
Post by hebbnh on Nov 26, 2014 10:17:42 GMT -5
PS. Why is the "like" button a thumbs down instead of up? It looks like a "dislike" button. Is it a Roman gladiator historical reference? More confusing: why is it a thumbs down on my work PC, but a thumbs up when viewing on my phone? Odd.