True Bro
Once a LMG Camper, Then a Voidlock, Now a Lexington 25-8-366 Runner
Posts: 5,567
Post by markopolo on Mar 14, 2017 8:40:15 GMT -5
Nightfall: Sepiks Perfected
Old Russia, Earth The Fallen House of Devils has found a way to resurrect Sepiks, their exalted Servitor and one time God. Fight to the Devils' Lair and destroy him.
Epic - Heavily shielded and highly aggressive enemies appear in great numbers. Small Arms - Primary Weapon damage is favored. Juggler - No ammo drops for your equipped weapon. Grounded - Players take more damage while airborne. Chaff - Player radar is disabled.
Heroic Strike Playlist
Modifiers Heroic - Enemies appear in greater numbers and are more aggressive. Solar Burn - Solar damage from any source is greatly increased. Small Arms - Primary Weapon damage is favored. Ironclad - More enemies have shields.
Vendor Planetary Material Exchange aka GIT ON YER KNEES AND PRAY TO YOUR KING!!! ALL HAIL THE MONARCHY!!!!
Eris Morn - Hadium Future War Cult - Wormspore Dead Orbit - Helium Filament New Monarchy - Spinmetal
Raid Challenge Mode: Aksis
Crucible Playlists:
Combined Arms Doubles
Iron Lord Artifacts
Memory of Perun @ 80% Enemy Guardians with full supers and all enemies with low health are highlighted.
Memory of Skorri @92% When your super is full, nearby allies' supers recharge faster.
Memory of Felwinter@ 292 but lolz Lose your super, but gain one extra Grenade and Melee charge, and small boosts to all stats. Orbs grant Melee and Grenade energy.
Shiro-4 Vanguard Scout Bounties
Shock It to Me Use Arc damage to kill Fallen.
Archon's Forge: Captains Complete Captain encounters in the Archon's Forge.
Archon's Forge: Dregs Complete Dreg encounters in the Archon's Forge.
Stay Down Defeat Fallen.
Titan Vanguard Bounties
Strike Elite Earn "Gold Tier Achieved", "Silver Tier Achieved", or "Bronze Tier Achieved" Medals.
Sunrise Earn a Gold Tier Achieved Medal in the Nightfall before time expires.
Clean Up Get 150 enemy kills with your fireteam during a SIVA Crisis Strike to earn "Brutal Efficiency" Medals.
Lord Shaxx Bounties
Taking Control Exercise your skills in the Control match type.
True Bro
Posts: 3,776
Post by wings on Mar 14, 2017 11:06:15 GMT -5
Got the Crystalline Rays helmet for my Warlock, Frame Horn, White Witch for Red Death, two Meganta Chroma, and a Felwinter Souvenir for my first Weekly Heroic. That completed the new armour set to unlock EV-53 Glimmergold and the Sunglow shader.
True Bro
Cacodemon expert
Posts: 2,688
Post by hebbnh on Mar 15, 2017 15:12:23 GMT -5
Rather underwhelming reveal stream today, a few new things shown and some quality of life updates, but nothing major revealed. Easily could have given the info out in 5 minutes vs the hour waste of time stream they put on, but whatever. The good stuff is probably coming next week when they go over sandbox changes and the new rewards. Highlights from today are a new quest fromm the Speaker, new weekly featured story playlist (looks like daily story and daily crucible are gone), Daybreak modifier for Nightfall is coming (same as mayhem in PvP) but it's only once a month outside of a six week stretch beginning July 18 (IMO setting up a fairly obvious sequel release window...), Shaxx has two weekly "Shaxxfall" bounties instead of just one, Eververse updated with treasures of the ages which are also available for completing certain activities each week, massively updated silver dust kiosk allowing you to pick up some pretty specific items that you might be missing (i.e. you can buy specific pieces of Desolate armor, instead of buying a box that gives a random piece), blue flames and rep boost for Nightfall completion are back which is nice (never should have been taken out in the first place IMO). That's about it IIRC.
True Bro
Cacodemon expert
Posts: 2,688
Post by hebbnh on Mar 15, 2017 15:28:16 GMT -5
Oh, and for all you fashion-conscious Titans out there, Twilight Garrison will apparently accept shaders.
True Bro
Once a LMG Camper, Then a Voidlock, Now a Lexington 25-8-366 Runner
Posts: 5,567
Post by markopolo on Mar 15, 2017 15:29:51 GMT -5
Oh, and for all you fashion-conscious Titans out there, Twilight Garrison will apparently accept shaders. Why must you make this a House of Lies?
Post by TheHawkNY on Mar 16, 2017 11:16:17 GMT -5
Rather underwhelming reveal stream today, a few new things shown and some quality of life updates, but nothing major revealed. Easily could have given the info out in 5 minutes vs the hour waste of time stream they put on, but whatever. The good stuff is probably coming next week when they go over sandbox changes and the new rewards. Highlights from today are a new quest fromm the Speaker, new weekly featured story playlist (looks like daily story and daily crucible are gone), Daybreak modifier for Nightfall is coming (same as mayhem in PvP) but it's only once a month outside of a six week stretch beginning July 18 (IMO setting up a fairly obvious sequel release window...), Shaxx has two weekly "Shaxxfall" bounties instead of just one, Eververse updated with treasures of the ages which are also available for completing certain activities each week, massively updated silver dust kiosk allowing you to pick up some pretty specific items that you might be missing (i.e. you can buy specific pieces of Desolate armor, instead of buying a box that gives a random piece), blue flames and rep boost for Nightfall completion are back which is nice (never should have been taken out in the first place IMO). That's about it IIRC. Also, no more daily Crucible, they're reducing the number of active playlists from 12 to 6. I'm excited for the Story playlist. I'm so sick of the same strikes, and that content is so underused.
True Bro
Cacodemon expert
Posts: 2,688
Post by hebbnh on Mar 16, 2017 22:26:19 GMT -5
Hopefully the crucible playlist consolidation results in more time spent actually playing instead of sitting in orbit waiting on matchmaking to slowly fill out the lobby. More full games would be nice too.
True Bro
Posts: 3,776
Post by wings on Mar 17, 2017 6:46:56 GMT -5
Hopefully the crucible playlist consolidation results in more time spent actually playing instead of sitting in orbit waiting on matchmaking to slowly fill out the lobby. More full games would be nice too. Depends how rigid Bungie's implementation of SBMM is I would imagine. That's why I equip good looking ships.
True Bro
Once a LMG Camper, Then a Voidlock, Now a Lexington 25-8-366 Runner
Posts: 5,567
Post by markopolo on Mar 17, 2017 14:12:23 GMT -5
Sorry for being late
Xur's by the Vanguard table:
Legacy Leg Armor Engram for 29 SC
The Glasshouse @ 99 per-f$$king-cent (46 Int // 45 Dis) for 13 SC Shinobu's Vow @ 88% (72 Dis) for 13 SC The Ram @ 96% (46 Int // 42 Str) for 13 SC Telesto for 17 SC
Xur clearly doesn't want to sell glass needles this week
Post by snes chalmers on Mar 18, 2017 12:14:17 GMT -5
"The Crucible Quartermaster will now offer 5 new bounties each week for different weapon archetypes, allowing you an opportunity to earn a variety of Crucible, Iron Banner, and Trials of Osiris weapons from Year 2 and Year 3."
Well, I like the sound of this...
True Bro
Cacodemon expert
Posts: 2,688
Post by hebbnh on Mar 18, 2017 19:13:43 GMT -5
Nice. Maybe I'll be able to get an Eyasluna to drop from those since I'm having no luck getting one as a post match reward. A nicely rolled Finnala's Peril would be pretty cool as well.
True Bro
Once a LMG Camper, Then a Voidlock, Now a Lexington 25-8-366 Runner
Posts: 5,567
Post by markopolo on Mar 22, 2017 14:36:11 GMT -5
True Bro
Posts: 3,776
Post by wings on Mar 22, 2017 18:24:28 GMT -5
Looks like I will have the Trials page completed depending on the exact figure of weapon kills per category. I can see sherpees in streams struggling to get a wrecking ball. I got a few of those when I played Trials during House of Wolves.
Post by TheHawkNY on Mar 23, 2017 9:22:31 GMT -5
markopolo where's our weekly thread? You're slipping, man. As for wrecking balls - if you have someone that needs one, check enemy ELO's as you're loading in on, if someone on their team has a low ELO, send them a message offering an exchange.
True Bro
Once a LMG Camper, Then a Voidlock, Now a Lexington 25-8-366 Runner
Posts: 5,567
Post by markopolo on Mar 23, 2017 15:32:46 GMT -5
markopolo where's our weekly thread? You're slipping, man. As for wrecking balls - if you have someone that needs one, check enemy ELO's as you're loading in on, if someone on their team has a low ELO, send them a message offering an exchange. Yea... I forgot on tuesday... I'll be back next week. Sorry bout dat
True Bro
Once a LMG Camper, Then a Voidlock, Now a Lexington 25-8-366 Runner
Posts: 5,567
Post by markopolo on Mar 24, 2017 9:02:45 GMT -5
Xur's by the large black door by the Speaker
Legacy Heavy Weapon Engram for 31 SC ACD/0 Feedback Fence @ 40 Dis // 34 Str (90%) for 13 SC Graviton Forfeit @ 43 Int // 41 Dis (91%) for 13 SC Heart of the Praxic Fire @ 105 Dis (86%) for 13 SC Thunderlord for 17 SC